
 * 匹配特殊语法
 * 1. wk-block语法:(目前xxx支持配置为tip,note,caution,gray,对应不同样式)
 *      :::wk-block{.xxx}
 *      block content
 *      :::
 * 2. wk-block内部支持标题语法
 *      :::wk-heading
 *      heading content
 *      :::
 * 3. wk-block内部支持图标内容语法
 *      :::wk-icon-content
 *      ::wk-icon[svg link]
 *      ::wk-content[content text]
 *      :::
 * 注:如果block内部需要添加标题/图标内容,需要将wk-block向上提升一级(增加一个冒号:),示例如下:
 *      ::::wk-block{.tip}
 *      :::wk-heading
 *      heading text
 *      :::
 *      contentxxxxxxxx
 *      ::::


Who can use this feature

Users on any team or plan can access the toolbar in Figma design files.

'case_star 24.svg'
Users will need access to use every tool in the toolbar. Users with access can use some functions in the toolbar.
const a = 5 foo('134')